Top 10 .NET Core Performance Tricks

Top 10 .NET Core Performance Tricks

Performance Tricks & Best Practices, Beginner Friendly

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Alex Maher



10 min read


Jan 17

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Hey there! Today, I’m sharing some straightforward ways to speed up your .NET Core apps. No fancy words, just simple stuff that works.

Let’s dive in!

1. Asynchronous Programming

Asynchronous programming in .NET Core is a powerful way to enhance the scalability and responsiveness of your applications.

It allows your program to handle other tasks while waiting for operations, like I/O processes, to complete.

When to Use Asynchronous Programming

  • I/O Bound Operations: Use async programming for operations that involve data access, file reading/writing, network calls, etc., where the program waits for an external process to complete.
  • UI Responsiveness: In desktop applications, use async to keep the UI responsive during long-running tasks.
  • Scalability in Web Applications: Use async in web applications to handle more requests by freeing up threads while waiting for database queries or API calls.

Best Practices

  • Use ConfigureAwait(false) when awaiting tasks in a library to avoid deadlocks.
  • Always catch exceptions in asynchronous methods to prevent unhandled exceptions.
  • When writing asynchronous APIs, expose asynchronous methods alongside synchronous ones, if possible.

Code example:

public async Task<ActionResult> GetUserData()
    var userData = await _userService.GetUserDataAsync();
    return View(userData);

public async Task<string> ReadFileContentAsync(string filePath)
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(filePath))
        return await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

When Not to Use Asynchronous Programming

  • CPU-bound Operations: If the task involves intensive computation, async programming might not bring benefits and can complicate your code.
  • Simple Synchronous Tasks: For operations that complete quickly and are not blocking, asynchronous programming…